Who’s Who and Who’s New 2024

The FCLMA annual welcome event was held last Tuesday. Considered by all to be a successful evening of networking, mingling and catching up with faces old and new, the event has kickstarted a promising year for members of the association. 


Members and their partners had the opportunity to socialize across fields, workplaces and hierarchies and to discuss local issues with a good dose of friendly ribbing. Clinicians new to the area were invited to introduce themselves to the community and were able to share details of the service they provide. 


Our members enjoyed some of Hervey Bay’s premier catering, courtesy of the Pier Cafe in their exceptional beachfront venue. A special thanks to our hard working committee for making events like these possible, with special mention to our newly elected committee representatives: 

  • Ajith Thampi as President 
  • Rudi Prasad as Immediate past President
  • Rowan Barton as Secretary 
  • Sharna Bennett as Treasurer
  • Elpida Savvidou as Public hospital representative
  • Melissa Bourke as Maryborough GP representative
  • Nathan Dickenson as Hervey Bay GP representative 
  • Tony Hampe as Private hospital representative
  • Andre Levia and Emily Shi as Medical student representatives
  • Ari Soreno and Dom Mcmahon as Junior medical society representatives 


A whole-hearted thank you goes out to the cosponsors of the evening: Genesis Care and Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology for their support. We all look forward to future events throughout the year being a mix of social occasions, education with CPD points and community networking.

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